Saturday, 24 March 2012

While the tots are away, the mums will munch on Mee goreng!

Well today is a brilliant day! Our little toddler's off at the farm with his grandparents and his daddy pops is at work. I have the house to myself (after I convince the cat she is an animal and needs to do more than sit inside and try to devour me or lay across my laptop).

After 12 (yes, 12!!!) hours sleep (let's call it well-needed rest), I am ready to take on the world!
I've been sick from stress with ulcers and tension headaches among other things, so for the first time in a long time I feel I can finally function.

Lunch is mee goreng because I can finally have some unhealthy crap without worring about demands to share it. My plans for the day are- rest and revise old artwork and go to movies with finace' in the evening, sneaking in our own unbuttered popcorn (ooh, rebels!).
I once snuck in a whole roast dinner to the movies with a friend... :)

Being a mum can be so consuming sometimes, it's just nice to have some alone time (with LOUD music!) to try and figure out why the saturation of this .png image is lost when I save it in GIMP 2.6.. oh the compression level..

I'm currently working on Mermaiden delicate Bubble feast .
I haven't sold any designs online in a while, but have noticed that my photography and paintings, my least loved art vices are most popular. Thankfully I'm not scribbling for my supper, but personally I'd much prefer this drawing on a poster in here than the three oils/ acrylics on canvas which currently hang above my head,-
  Well that's enough complaining and procrastinating for one day, on to figuring out why the colours are all topsy turvy on my tee...

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